Daniel Friedrich Director - Lead Designer
Master of Science in Architecture - Germany
Master Carpenter - Germany
Dipl. Business Studies - Germany
Dipl. Structural Engineering- Germany
Professional Member of Architectural Designers New Zealand (ADNZ)
Licensed Building Practitioner Design (LBP Design)
Daniel finished his building apprenticeship 1997 in Germany and after extensive practical experience and further studies obtained the master carpenter degree.
His passion for building and architecture continued and he completed a Diploma in Structural Engineering and a Master of Science in Architecture at the HAWK-University in Germany. This has given Daniel the unique advantage to understand the complete practical building process while having the highest respect for architectural design.
Daniel has got a wide range of experience within the building industry and is passionate about sustainable architecture. He has worked in architecture, construction and construction management on residential and commercial projects in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. DF Design Ltd. was established in 2009.
Life's busy but in his free time he enjoys building custom motorcycles, baking sourdough bread, going to the beach for a play and a surf, mountain biking, motocross trail rides, camping, fishing and diving etc.